
Archive for January, 2009

It’s been a rough week in the Yahres household. On Wednesday Owen went to the doctor for a sick visit and it turned out that he had an ear infection which ruptured as well as bronchitis again. So, we’re back on the nebulizer with two different medicines this time. Owen is also on ammoxicillian and ear drops as well. He had to stay out of school the rest of the week, but you’d never know the kid was sick. He was happy, laughing and playing; his normal little self. The only reason we even knew he was sick was because he stopped drinking his bottles which is a sure sign of an ear infection.

This morning, just as we thought Owen was improving, Ryan starts screaming and crying that his ear hurt. He woke up fine and was playing and happy. Then out of nowhere he started screaming, got a fever and became extra clingy. I made a quick sick visit appointment (thankfully they are open on Saturdays!) and we were off to the doctor for the second time in three days.

Sure enough, Ryan has the same ruptured ear infection that Owen had. So, back to Target Pharmacy to fill even more prescriptions. Luckily Ryan isn’t on the nebulizer, but has ear drops for both ears as well as ammoxicillian

Luckily with all the sickies in our house, Granddad and Grandmom were still able to come over for a yummy birthday dinner. Even with Ryan being all sick, he still kept asking for “dad-dad” and wanted him to come over. He was so excited when the doorbell rang and ran straight for the door to see “dad-dad.”

After dinner, Ryan sang “happy birday, dad-dad” and helped him blow out the candles on his cake. He was so excited and proud of himself “awesome Ryan!”

Owen just sat back and watched the whole ordeal in amazement. He can’t wait till he can have some cake too!!

Several pieces of cake and lots of frosting later, Ryan and Granddad read bedtime stories and we all sang songs. A favorite in the Yahres household is “wees, wees bus momma” “wees, wees bus” which translates to many, many, MANY courses of The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round. We also practiced counting, saying our ABCs and identifying our colors.

And since it was way past the sick boy’s bedtime, he had to say “night-night” to Grandad and Grandmom and head upstairs. But not before he gave out lots of hugs and kisses and “happy birday dad-dad” wishes.

We hope you have a very happy birthday Dad-dad!! We love you lots

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Get up close and personal with Owen Henry Yahres….

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Yes, Owen is only 5 months old and already required a haircut. He was born with a lot of it and never really lost any of it so at 5 months it was getting long and would stand straight up most days. He has had a lot of bad hairdays for being such a little guy still.
At first Owen wasn’t too sure to think about the whole process. He closed his eyes tightly when daddy sprayed the water on his head, but didn’t seem to mind the actual cutting part. Daddy figured since he has been getting his own hair cut for years, he knew how to cut little boy’s hair as well. Not sure if that logic is valid, but whatever! It was saving us from bundling two kids up, venturing out and paying a fortune to get haircuts for them. So why not?!

Owen kept trying to see what daddy was doing and wanted to make sure he was cutting straight. He said he didn’t want to look goofy at school on Monday.

Ryan was also a little concerned with what daddy was doing to Owen. He looked confused and a little annoyed as well. Mommy spent her time trying to “capture the moment” on camera so she could later (much later) scrapbook Owen’s first haircut. She was also trying to collect all the hair that daddy was cutting off in order to save the sweet, soft baby hairs of Owen.

Seriously daddy?! Or as Ryan would say “Cheriously daddee” Is this the way you are going to leave it?! Are you kidding me? I thought my bad hair days were over?!

Mommy to the rescue. Daddy did a great job cutting it, but he sure can’t style it!

Next it was Ryan’s turn. 6-7 haircuts into his youth, Ryan has figured out that he gets lollipops at haircuts. He didn’t care that we were at home; he still wanted his lollipop. This is the only way he will sit still and allow his hair to be cut, so whatever. We had already eaten breakfast; it was ok to have candy at 8:30am 🙂 Prior to the lollipop, Ryan ended up with a few crooked cuts due to squirminess so the lollipop was a saviour.

I think daddy just found himself a new job in our household. He saved us time, energy and money by doing this himself and it didn’t look too bad at all. Good job daddy! Or as Ryan would say “Awesome daddee!”

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Owen is going to his first day at Sunbrook Academy tomorrow morning. I’m so lucky and thankful that he’s been able to be at home with me for the first 5 months of his life. I’ve enjoyed every minute having him with me even though it makes working very stressful and causes me to put in alot of hours “after work hours” getting extra work things done.

I know he’s ready to go to school and will enjoy it so much. He LOVES to watch Ryan play and is so amused with all of the kids in Ryan’s class when we pick him up from school each day. The teachers are awesome and I know they’ll give him the extra TLC he needs as he adjusts to his new routine.

Tonight, we spent the evening getting Owen ready for his big day. We took a bath and splashed and had some fun while getting clean.

We even tried out several hairdos….

And with that last hairdo, I received the “Seriously momma. I am not having fun playing your reindeer games anymore. This is NOT making me excited for school tomorrow” look. And learning my lesson already with this “look” I decided to quit while I was ahead since it was just me and the boys tonight (Daddy’s working). I didn’t want to press my luck with any tempertantrums from either kiddo.

So we dried off and it was upstairs to read some stories; some of which momma read and some of which Ryan read. Owen had a bottle and tucked in for the night. He is all snug in his fleece jammies dreaming of his first day at Sunbrook. Ryan and I reassured Owen before dozing off that Ms. Tywana and Ryan would come and check on him throughout the day tomorrow so he had nothing to fear.

Here I come – watch out class! There’s a new kid starting tomorrow!

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Some days are good days….

And then there are days when we just want to be grumpy….

Some days are messy….

And other days are “bad hair days”….

There are days we like being brothers….

And other days when we just don’t care and we ignore our little brothers….

There are days when Delta can sit patiently for a picture….

And other times, when we just want to be plain silly….

Regardless what kind of day you are having, we want to wish you a Happy New Year from our family to yours!

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